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About the Descent Rangers

The Descent Rangers were founded on May 1st, 1996. The Descent Rangers were the very first Descent II group. The first scored games were played on May 17, 1996. The first associates were invited to join on May 25, 1996. The Descent Rangers officially opened to the public on June 10th, 1996.

"The Rangers are the most organized league, providing far and away the best multiplayer gaming environment for players. They have always valued honesty and sportsmanship. Ranger success will continue for as long as they represent the highest ideals of fair play, honor, integrity and humility. Special thanks to [Commander Cemada], who has carried the torch for far longer than I did. The Rangers are still around as a group ONLY because [Cemada] has done the work to make it so."
- Former Commander Sirian, Founding Member

Cemada, Sirian, Jandor and Rhythm are the organization's founding members. They deserve our respect and are recognized for their hard work and dedication.

Scored Game Tutorial
  • The
    Blue Lightning
    squad really needs help!

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    Gold Phoenix Guard
    squad needs help!

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  • Blackvertigo1 is in the lead for the Medal of Glory

  • Royos is in the lead for the Medal of Glory

  • RUL is in the lead for the Medal of Glory

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Courage yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Gallantry yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of the Iron Cross yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Thievery yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Flag yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Rogues yet!

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Member Quote
I have never backed down from a challenge, whether it be hard or easy, simple or drawn out. I will persevere until i see my end-goal met. So raise in arms as we continue through time.
- Player ChaotiCast